1 Intake RADIO 1948
Intake Organiser: Dutchy Holland EMAIL HERE or 0499 229911
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The first RAAF trained Radio Apprentices to complete the four year course received their Associate Diploma of Radio Engineering at RAAF Ballarat on Friday, 20th June1952. The Air Officer Commanding Southern Area (Air Vice Marshall A. M. Charlesworth, CBE„ AFC) made the presentation. The Diploma, which is equivalent, to' second year standard at. 1 the Melbourne University, -entitles each graduate to associate membership of the Institute of Radio Engineers and the Institute of Engineers of Australia. It was more than a presentation ceremony for the RAAF - It highlighted the success of another post war training scheme which will supply the RAAF with a steady stream of apprentice trained technicians in a field very closely allied to flying with all its commitments.
The Diploma graduates:
LAC D. R. Johnson, of Warragul, Vic.,
LAC R. J- Clark, whose father is a sergeant serving with the RAAF at Amberley, Brisbane,
AC J. C- Gerschwitz, of Stirling West S.A.
They were members of No. 1 Radio Apprentice Course, which began training at RAAF Frognall, Camberwell, in 1948, when
the school first began training. On completion of the apprenticeship course, RAAF Radio apprentices serve a 12 year engagement with the Air Force. After this term with the RAAF, they may renew the engagement or retire. Should they decide on the latter course they will be recognized by the Trade Union movement as being fully qualified tradesmen in the
radio field
Urana Advertiser 3rd July 1952
We marched and marched
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