15 Intake Beavers 1961

Intake Organiser: Rob Wilson EMAIL or 0419 688014

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15th Intake (Beavers) commenced training in January 1961 at Wagga NSW. One hundred and thirty seven 15 to 16 year old students were indoctrinated into military training. A very different world than our comfortable surroundings as civilians. Drill instructors had methods of persuading young fellows into obeying rules and moulding characters to meet military specifications. After some 3 months of military re-arranging of thought patterns it was of some relief to commence training in Engineering. During the first twelve months all apprentices completed the same wide-ranging facets of basic engineering. In January 1962 apprentices were divided into their SPECIALIZED trades, which included: Engines, Electrical, Armament, Airframes, Instruments and Motor Transport fitting. December 13th 1963, there was excitement in the camp as 99 Apprentices finalized their military and engineering training at Wagga. A graduation passing-out parade and celebration ball were held to mark this important milestone of Beavers.
The final two years
Graduating apprentices were posted to various RAAF Bases for training in their respective trades and to utilize their skills in productive duties of engineering.
Wagga highlights
Many great times were experienced by all including, practical jokes, sport, hobbies, social events, apprentice traditions (not for publication). Beavers were bound by a "Code of Honour" which is as relevant today as it was 45 years ago. 15th Intake was the last to undertake three years of training at Wagga.
A picture is worth a thousand words; this will be evident whilst viewing images on this website.

We marched and marched
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Graduating Apprentices