2nd October 1952

Members of the Forest Hill R.A.A.F. Technical College Apprentices' Glider Club yesterday afternoon watched the test flight of a glider which they themselves had constructed in their spare time.
The glider was piloted by the Chief Flying Officer of Uranquinty Basic Flying School, Squadron-Leader Talberg. It circled the Forest Hill aerodrome at a height of about 350 feet, and was pronounced completely airworthy.
50 members
The Glider Club has about 50 members from the Air Force apprentices at the Technical College, and they almost completely reconstructed a battered old glider which they purchased early this year. Yesterday afternoon, at about 4 o'clock, the glider took the air after 300-yard tow by a Jeep travelling at about 35-38 m.p.h. The apprentices will now fly the glider in their spare time at weekends.
A grazier has lent the Glider Club a strip of land some miles from the College. [The flights will be made from there.